Travel Program

Ages 8+

Parents are responsible for purchase of the uniform. Uniforms must be purchased 5 weeks before the 1st game to allow delivery.

Players are required to bring an appropriate sized ball (size 4 for ages 8 to 12. size 5 for 13+), wear shin guards under socks or other cover, wear cleats (for outdoor), and bring water to all practices and games.

NASC groups kids the best we can using player evaluations by skill level to compete against kids from other communities in appropriate skill and age groupings.

Practices are throughout the week at Oak Leaf and occasionally at Holiday Heights or the Old Stadium Field.

Games are on weeknights and weekends.

New for fall of 2024 uniforms are changing. 

All of the past travel uniforms are retired and not permitted to be used.


League Information

Ohio Travel Soccer League (OHTSL) 

Norton youth soccer